Impact on GDP and productivity
Scenario #3: Insufficient policy support for structural changes in the economy
"Scenario #3, which is the one negative scenario among the three, assumes the substitution effect for labor dominates due to inaction in workforce development—or more simply, skills— and a lack of national data sharing schemes. The losses are substantial compared to the baseline. The UK and Australian economies actually shrink in US dollar terms versus today, as a result, with the UK's economy becoming US$420bn smaller in absolute terms and the Australian economy US$50bn. The US, Japan and Developing Asia still grow in this scenario, but their economies are all significantly below the baseline, with the US and Developing Asia both off by around US$3trn."
With respect to the three econometric scenarios, The EIU uses its current forecast to 2030 as a baseline. The scenarios are:
Scenario #1: Greater human productivity
through upskilling
"Scenario #1 assumes a higher degree of complementarity between human skills and AI than does the baseline and that governments will invest more in upskilling than current trends suggest. In the results, every country or grouping covered benefits, but some more than others. Australia, where growth in services is becoming more important for incremental economic growth than commodity exports, would see the greatest gains. The gains elsewhere would be more modest by comparison; although in this scenario, the UK's productivity rises to slightly positive from our baseline forecast, which is for a slight decline."
Scenario #2: Greater investment in technology
and access to open source data
"Scenario #2 assumes investment in access to open source data, tax credits to spur private sector adoption of machine learning, and advances in computing efficiency drive hardware costs down. This scenario yields the most encouraging results insofar as economic growth is concerned. Each of the five countries, as well as Developing Asia as a group, experience higher levels of growth relative to our baseline forecast. Australia, again, along with Developing Asia, reap the greatest rewards from promoting investment in this scenario, but all of the countries covered see GDP rise by at least 1% above the baseline between now and 2030."Scenario #3: Insufficient policy support for structural changes in the economy
"Scenario #3, which is the one negative scenario among the three, assumes the substitution effect for labor dominates due to inaction in workforce development—or more simply, skills— and a lack of national data sharing schemes. The losses are substantial compared to the baseline. The UK and Australian economies actually shrink in US dollar terms versus today, as a result, with the UK's economy becoming US$420bn smaller in absolute terms and the Australian economy US$50bn. The US, Japan and Developing Asia still grow in this scenario, but their economies are all significantly below the baseline, with the US and Developing Asia both off by around US$3trn."
The industries
The qualitative scenarios look at four industries:
manufacturing, healthcare, energy and
transportation, which are provided below in its entirety from the report's Executive Summary.
Employment in manufacturing has become
a headline issue with the rise of populism in
certain developed countries. When discussing
AI, it's important to differentiate automation
in hardware, such as robotics, from automation
in software, AI and its sub-sets. The former has
already had a significant effect on labor demand
in the sector and while the latter may contribute
to this trend, its impact has been less direct, at
least to date.
When manufacturing firms talk about AI, they talk
about creating greater efficiencies in their supply
chains, reducing maintenance costs and moving
towards batch production. Each of these may or may not result in the elimination of low wage jobs,
but they will almost certainly create high wage
ones, albeit not at a one-for-one ratio. The speed
at which firms turn towards automation in both
hardware and software depends on the 'payback
period,' a measure which weighs the cost of
investment in automation versus that of the
cost of local labor."
As a knowledge industry, healthcare is ripe for
AI and there are a variety of applications already
in place. It's being used in the discovery process
for new drugs, to save costs in both prevention
and treatment, and to augment the abilities of
practicing physicians and clinicians.
Yet there are constraints. The healthcare sector
has traditionally been slower than most sectors
to adopt innovations. That may be changing,
however slowly, but there are other hurdles that
need to be overcome. One is the issue of privacy.
Patients are understandably sensitive about
their personal data being shared and unless they
can be assured their data will only be used for
specific and agreed purposes, they may not agree
to sharing it at all. That would hinder the use of
AI considerably, dependent as it is on data for
developing solutions.
AI is expected to have the most significant impact
on the energy sector in transforming generation,
transmission and distribution
into a more coherent system. This means,
among other things, creating pricing systems based on probabilistic models and developing
smart grids that can better deal with the issue
of intermittency, or the fact that the wind
doesn't always blow and the sun doesn't
always shine. Solving for intermittency will
allow electricity providers to maximize their
use of green energy.
This does not come without risks. Smart grids,
while more efficient than current analogue
grids, are exposed to new and greater risks from
cyber-attacks, which, in turn, creates national
security concerns. That has knock-on effects on
the willingness of local governments to integrate
their grids and share their data.
While autonomous vehicles have captured
much of the public's attention, even though
they may still be far off, AI is already making
major contributions to the speed and safety
of public transport. In many cities, AI being
used to balance the flow of passengers across
different modes of transport and data received
from sensors around cities, combined with AI,
are helping to make traffic flow more smoothly.
The advent of autonomous vehicles nevertheless
remains in the fore of people's minds in this
area. Besides the obvious issue of its impact
on employment, there are regulatory and privacy
concerns, as well as the question of liability
when, inevitability, a driverless vehicle becomes
involved in an accident, fatal or otherwise.
The report also identifies five approaches to
grounding the discussion in reality.
Managing expectations. "In the near-term,
AI will be neither utopian nor dystopian. It
will provide new benefits and it will create
new problems. Exaggerating its upsides is as
detrimental to the debate as is exaggerating
its downsides."
Better communication. "There are many
understanding gaps when it comes to AI,
but one of the most important to bridge is
that between developers and businesses and
government institutions. The former are often
only dimly aware of what the latter two really
need, and the latter, in turn, are often only
dimly aware of the potential solutions the
former could provide. A more robust and
frequent exchange of information, capabilities
and needs would help to remedy this."
Acknowledging the risks. "It is important
to acknowledge that AI presents risks to
employment, as well as privacy, and to start
finding solutions to these and other issues
rather than encourage complacency or
resignation through unshakeable confidence."
Improving trust and transparency. "'Trust us' or trust the algorithm is not a viable strategy
for gaining widespread acceptance of AI and its
various subfields. Developers and users alike
need to make known what they are doing and
how they are doing it, in a way that is both
meaningful given the usage context and practical
given technological constraints."
Educating the public. "Gaps in knowledge and
understanding are filled more quickly than ever
with misinformation and distortion. The public
needs an explanation of what AI is and does,
and as simply as possible."
Lastly, the report importantly notes: "Policymakers, for their part, face a number of choices as regards AI and its impact." These choices include investing in skills and training, dealing with data, and investing in R&D and technology.
How do you see artificial intelligence's impact on society and the economy?
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